Enable better Decision Makers

Sam HQ allows enterprises and software platforms to conversationalize business intelligence and reporting. This delivers a 402% faster user interface and allows for insights that are many level deeper than existing engines.

How trending our application?

Duis gravida augue velit eu dignim felis posre quis integ ante urnan neque dictum.
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New Features

Conversational Intelligence delivers better Return On Time

SAM offers all the familiarity of a cloud-based application with the option to use voice activated conversational AI (talk/type) to get more things done with a lot less data entry, clicks, and software training. 

402% faster

Speed up your workflow by 402% with voice activated conversational AI.

Less learning more Doing

Use your natural language to get reports and business intelligence requiring zero software training.

Unified Holistic Data

Generate reports from multiple data sources through Sam’s Unified Holistic Data model.

Neuance Reporting

Get insights that are contextual and curated many levels deeper than any existing engine.

Our Misssion

our expert agents

they solve your requirement

Vivamus lacus sapien lacinia massa porttitor. Nulla amet ornare augue suscipit elit pellentesque rutrum turpis gravida.

Cyber Security service

Integer luctus dolor rutrum nibh interdum euismod ante nunc conseqt. Proin eget sapien semper rhoncus tortor.

software regular Updation

Aliquam sem tellus, congue imperdiet nisi id, vestibulum sollicitudin diam. Praesent ut sapien vel leo egestas.

Cloud Services system

Sed auctor urna justo, eget congue felis rhoncus non. Proin vel nunc id orci sagittis venenatis purus rutrum.

24x7 customer Support

Quisque hendrerit neque vitae ullamcorper imperdiet neque neque rutrum diam habitasse platea dictumst.